Cllr. Raphael Hill

BH2023/03236 – Emblem House, Home Farm Business Centre

Objects to the application as it would adversely affect the conservation area, residential amenity within the vicinity of the site.

One of the reasons for objection is that if this approved the it will provide CIL money both for Hollingdean and Fiveways ward and citywide Normally this would be a good thing. In this case it tarnishes the CIL given that this money will have come from a site which has been proven to have supplied weaponry used in Audi Arabia in 2016 to hit a water pump that contributed to a cholera epidemic that killed thousands of innocent people. CIL money to improve amenities in this city will be partly tainted by war crimes which were confirmed by the UN.  The structure was built to be temporary in nature and the application does not give sufficient information on how this building will be made permanent. It lacks economic impacts and does not contribute to biodiversity net gain.